Strip Selector


Neutral Forces

Your cards, opponents cards and neutral cards. You must cover more neutral cards than your opponent

models: Nathaly Cherie
3.7 / 5
Played    41254
Cards game, where you and opponent play against the Third Party - Neutral cards. Both of you want to cover more of neutral cards. Who have covered more cards - wins the set. If you cover more, you go to the next level of hot strip XXX show. But your opponent may push you back down to the previous level.

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Pete 2023.02.23 20:36
Tasty Lady
2022.11.25 10:24
Bad game
hgggak 2020.10.15 10:05
want to play
wtf 2018.11.12 14:43
shit game..
aaaaaaaaaa 2018.06.06 20:50
my cards are shit
nasih 2018.06.03 08:48
this a good work
Angry 2018.05.23 16:45
Too much dependent on luck! If you are unlucky, you cannot progress.
Anon 2018.05.09 17:36
I think there must be something wrong in the programming -- I keep getting stuck on the same level
rohan bendre 2018.05.06 16:49
Thank you i liked the game challenging
- to anon 2018.05.05 23:31
- clear the browser cache - the button will appear
anon 2018.05.05 22:31
how do i go up a level, i win the round and stay on the same level, i got 3 and opp got 2 and it said i won but i stayed
Dan 2018.05.04 07:16
It happens once the opponent passes.
Dan 2018.05.04 07:14
Anon cant get that to work but I noticed another problem when trying that. If you waste a turn by dropping a card (not even clicking pass) then next turn the game may prematurely end the round and consider it a draw or loss, even if you have another card that you can cover. something with.
Anon 2018.04.29 01:59
Once you win a round, you can just drag and drop one of your cards and it will trigger another win.
spadea 2018.04.27 16:25
come nel video?
ANTONYA Italy 2018.04.26 03:47
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Dan 2018.04.25 22:51
Well it does now.
Dan 2018.04.25 22:16
Did not mention that they have to be of the same suit, and it wastes your turn when you make an incorrect move or put a card back where it was.

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